Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Lost time, lost opportunity, or God's gracious timing?

To think that I could have written so much, especially in light of the many months that have passed since I last penned an entry. The reader might assume, given that I have written nothing, that nothing has happened in my life or that God has ceased to be in control during that time (since His control is what I seek to assert here). Neither is true.

God has permitted some wonderful things to take place in my life in this past year. I have found a new place to live, made new friends, enjoyed warm sunshine more than most years in my life, and renewed my friendship with the most wonderful woman that God ever created. What an awesome year; and, what an awesome way for God to show clearly that He truly is in control! Although there is much about the past year which I could elaborate on, I will finish this entry by simply stating that I am thankful to my Lord and my God for His faithfulness and for His goodness.

I will take on other issues at a later date, by his grace and according to His will. 

1 comment:

In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree said...

Say, there, big boy,
So glad to see you're blogging again. Isn't it wonderful (as you're saying) to see how God works in our lives!
One of the greatest for me was the day that you were born into our home as our first-born!
May the Lord bless and guide you today, and every day that comes.
w/love from -- Papa