Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Daniel 2 (continued): Significance and Perspective...

Let’s face it. Sometimes we need a little reminder of how significant (or IN-significant) we actually are. For example, when was the last time that you read an article in the newspaper or saw a TV news piece done on King Nebuchadnezzar? You may laugh at this thought but consider for a moment that he was one of the most important, most influential people of his time.

King Nebuchadnezzar definitely thought that he was important and when his advisors came to him and advised him to declare a “National Day of Prayer” in which all of his subjects were to bow down in prayer to him (I know that I’m getting just a little bit ahead of myself here), he agreed! HE must have thought that this was a worthy idea or he would certainly have taken decisive action against his advisors. He has plainly shown in the last couple of weeks’ study that he was capable and did not hesitate to think about and threaten such an action. Yet, his name is rarely uttered anymore except in a Sunday School class or a college Bible class and occasionally in a sermon.

We all know people who think of themselves as being exceedingly important to the ongoing world in which we live. We may even be one of those people, if we are completely honest with ourselves. Perhaps we should stop for a moment and ask ourselves how significant we will be in another 100 or 200 years? Or, how about 500 years after our death? But, why this question?

God took the time to reveal his plan for the future of the world, in a dream. He gave the interpretation of the dream through one of His faithful servants. He completed this task in the time of Nebuchadnezzar’s rule and revealed it to Nebuchadnezzar. You would think, if only considered through the light of this historical account, that Nebuchadnezzar was an important person. You might even conclude that God “waited” for Nebuchadnezzar to come on the scene and take his position of prominence before revealing his long-term plans. But, maybe there is a better explanation.

Nebuchadnezzar was not the first person who held a prominent position in history. He is also not the last one to do so. So, why did God choose Nebuchadnezzar? Or, was it even important that it was this pagan king? Could it just as easily have been some other pagan king near to his time? Perhaps. Except for the fact that Nebuchadnezzar was the king over one of the empires mentioned in the dream and at a time of that empire’s greatest prominence, Nebuchadnezzar might actually not have been of much significance at all. What we DO know from this passage is that God was revealing His plan, not the king’s plan. Also, God was revealing something of His character by detailing what was to come, and even by making this revelation through the particular means that He used.

I will not attempt to interpret the prophetic nature of this passage as there are many who are much more qualified who have already done an excellent job. What I do want to point out is how significant or insignificant we are in the events of our lives when compared to the overall plan that God has set in motion. He has graciously permitted us to be a part of this plan and we should make our emphasis one of gratitude to Him for permitting us to serve Him in the midst of it all.

Thought: As we move through this life that God has given us, let us do so with a proper perspective on our significance. We are objects, wrought by God, who have been made with a purpose. But this purpose for which we are made is up to God to decide, not us. We should not think of ourselves more highly than is fitting, since we are the creation and He is the Creator.

It is appropriate in fact, at this special time of year that has been dedicated, set aside, for the purpose of giving thanks to God for all of His goodness and grace, that we re-evaluate our level of importance. We ought to put ourselves and our lives in perspective. Jesus didn’t elevate Himself above the place that His Father had for Him during His time here on earth. Rather, according to John 3, He submitted to the Father’s will and obeyed the Father’s command. He laid down His life for us. There is true significance. Maybe that is why we still see Jesus mentioned in the news, even in our day and time!

By His grace, there is more to come….

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